my hse hates me,
it took away my wifi,
so no internet at home for me,
i hate it,
it sucks,
plus i can't use the home computer,
cause the fatties just bought a new game,
FM 2009,
so no chance of using the comp now.
went to watch Twilight this morning,
was good,
not great,
but good,
that girl Kristen Stewart,
hated her character,
it was like a fly that refused to go away,
made me want to gag,
plus her voice was sooooo dead,
which is weird since she's not.....dead,
like the vampires,
other than that it was good.
i have class tomorrow,
but i lazy to go,
but its like a nice class,
very interesting,
but loooong,
3 hours,
my bday is on Monday!
but i'm like super busy,
since the following week got finals,
which suck,
soooooo gotta plan something quick,
if not then its all a no go,
i hate my life right now,
boo you life!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
ow ow ow
My head hurts,
real bad,
I hate headaches,
sooooo much pain,
my head feels like its under some bricks or something.
Guess if I wake up tomorrow,
and still have this pounding headache,
I'm gonna just skip class,
who needs a lecture on Intelligence right.
Pfft! Boo headaches!
real bad,
I hate headaches,
sooooo much pain,
my head feels like its under some bricks or something.
Guess if I wake up tomorrow,
and still have this pounding headache,
I'm gonna just skip class,
who needs a lecture on Intelligence right.
Pfft! Boo headaches!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
You whispered that you were getting tired,
Got a look in your eye,
Looks a lot like goodbye,
Hold on to your secrets tonight,
Don’t want to know,
I’m ok with this silence,
It’s truth that I don’t want to hear,
You’re hiding regret in your smile,
There’s a storm in your eyes I’ve seen coming for a while,
Hang on to the past tense tonight,
Don’t say a word,
I’m ok with the quiet,
The truth is going to change everything,
So Lie to me and tell me that it’s gonna be alright,
So Lie to me and tell me that we’ll make it through the night,
I don’t mind if you wait before you tear me apart,
Look me in the eye,
And lie, lie, lie
I know that there’s no turning back,
If we put too much light on this we’ll see through all the cracks,
Let’s stay in the dark one more night,
Don’t want to know,
I’m ok with the silence,
It’s truth that I don’t want to hear,
So lie to me and tell me that it's gonna be alright,
So lie to me and tell me that we'll make it through the night,
I don't mind if you wait before you tear me apart,
Look me in the eye,
And lie, lie, lie
Don’t want to believe in this ending,
Let the camera’s roll on,
Keep pretending,
Tomorrow’s all wrong if you walk away,
Just stay...
So lie to me and tell me that it's gonna be alright,
So lie to me and tell me that we'll make it through the night,
I don't mind if you wait before you tear me apart,
Look me in the eye,
And lie, lie, lie
So lie to me and tell me that we're gonna be okay,
So lie to me and tell me that we'll make it through the day,
I don't mind if you wait before you tear me apart,
So look me in the eye,
And lie,
Soooo I posted this cause I think its really pretty and sad =(
Got a look in your eye,
Looks a lot like goodbye,
Hold on to your secrets tonight,
Don’t want to know,
I’m ok with this silence,
It’s truth that I don’t want to hear,
You’re hiding regret in your smile,
There’s a storm in your eyes I’ve seen coming for a while,
Hang on to the past tense tonight,
Don’t say a word,
I’m ok with the quiet,
The truth is going to change everything,
So Lie to me and tell me that it’s gonna be alright,
So Lie to me and tell me that we’ll make it through the night,
I don’t mind if you wait before you tear me apart,
Look me in the eye,
And lie, lie, lie
I know that there’s no turning back,
If we put too much light on this we’ll see through all the cracks,
Let’s stay in the dark one more night,
Don’t want to know,
I’m ok with the silence,
It’s truth that I don’t want to hear,
So lie to me and tell me that it's gonna be alright,
So lie to me and tell me that we'll make it through the night,
I don't mind if you wait before you tear me apart,
Look me in the eye,
And lie, lie, lie
Don’t want to believe in this ending,
Let the camera’s roll on,
Keep pretending,
Tomorrow’s all wrong if you walk away,
Just stay...
So lie to me and tell me that it's gonna be alright,
So lie to me and tell me that we'll make it through the night,
I don't mind if you wait before you tear me apart,
Look me in the eye,
And lie, lie, lie
So lie to me and tell me that we're gonna be okay,
So lie to me and tell me that we'll make it through the day,
I don't mind if you wait before you tear me apart,
So look me in the eye,
And lie,
Soooo I posted this cause I think its really pretty and sad =(
another bites the dust
Soooo about the tennis pics,
I ain't putting them up here,
since I just don't have the time right now.
Arsenal lost again today,
they should just give up,
give me Aaron Ramsey,
and little Jack Wilshere too,
since he sooooo cute,
plus since they ain't playing for some reason,
might as well they hang with me.
As of now,
I got 2 assignments left,
which is good,
but then got finals,
which is not good,
but after that,
LONDON baby!
I should be more excited really,
but I'm just soooo exhausted.
Catch ya'll later peeps!
P.S. Melvin and I rock at pool. Mostly Mel. But yea. We are the shiznit! =)
I ain't putting them up here,
since I just don't have the time right now.
Arsenal lost again today,
they should just give up,
give me Aaron Ramsey,
and little Jack Wilshere too,
since he sooooo cute,
plus since they ain't playing for some reason,
might as well they hang with me.
As of now,
I got 2 assignments left,
which is good,
but then got finals,
which is not good,
but after that,
LONDON baby!
I should be more excited really,
but I'm just soooo exhausted.
Catch ya'll later peeps!
P.S. Melvin and I rock at pool. Mostly Mel. But yea. We are the shiznit! =)
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Gah! I was gonna put up some pics from the tennis thingy,
but I had many assignments to do,
sooooo I'll get it up as soon as my presentation (which is happening within the hour) is done and over with,
and I'll update this too,
tell ya'll all about my sad life,
this week is hell week,
when it's over,
I'll be THE happiest person ever!
Damn this learning space place in uni is COLD!
I'm freezing my ass off......
Be back later with the pics!
Later taters! =)
but I had many assignments to do,
sooooo I'll get it up as soon as my presentation (which is happening within the hour) is done and over with,
and I'll update this too,
tell ya'll all about my sad life,
this week is hell week,
when it's over,
I'll be THE happiest person ever!
Damn this learning space place in uni is COLD!
I'm freezing my ass off......
Be back later with the pics!
Later taters! =)
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
change isn't always good
Excuse this post guys. Im in a very pissy mood and stressed like hell.
So just pretend that you never saw this post mkay.
Unless you're one of those overly nosy people who just have to know whats going on.
LAME! but whatever, its a free world.
So go ahead and read.
OK so here's the deal. I love the fact that I can drive and have a car to drive wherever the hell I want to. Its nice not having to depend on my parents to fetch me here and there and all that. But what I hate is being taken advantage of just because I can drive. So most of you probably know that my maid has been taking care of me and my brothers for like ever. All their lives and pretty much almost all of mine. So normally I don't mind driving her to go buy stuff since without them I'd starve to death. But......I freaking hate it when she asks me to go bring her to go buy 4D when I just came back from college. I've been in college since freaking 8 in the morning and I come home exhausted as shit and when I'm asleep, she comes in my room and wakes me up to take her to go buy 4D. I'm tired for freakin' sake! And its not like I can say no. Now everytime I come home from college in the afternoon, I'm pretty much doomed to taking her get her freaking 4D. Its getting ridiculous since she never wins and its just pissing me off. If I say that I can't, she'll go all,"I've taken care of you all these years and all I ask if that you bla bla bla bla." Seriously if this keeps up I'm gonna just tell my mom and let her deal with this. I can't take it much longer. All this is the reason why I rather stay in uni all day and hang out in the study room.
Also, I hate people who crave attention. People who can't stand the thought of having nobody noticing them, or those who can't have people not tell them that they're pretty and just pretty much need someone to compliment them. I HATE these people. People who change who they are just to fit in and do all kinds of stupid ,immature, idiotic things just so they feel accepted and just so they can feel like someone likes them or pays attention to them. To me thats just lame and screams DESPERATE. People who go out all the time and lie to their parents (its OK like once or twice because I do it too but all the time, really?) and does god knows what with god knows who and its just really dumb. Then tell go and tell you all their dumbass problems and just being around them sucks out all your energy. Being around them is just so exhausting. They're like parasites. You're good for them but they're pretty much useless to you and do nothing but hurt you. They're not the same people that I knew when I first met them. I don't even know you they really are anymore. I HATE this new person that they've become. Its disgusting. One day they'll regret it all and I will be sure to go to them and say, "I TOLD YOU SO SUCKERS!" They're ruined now. Damaged goods. They deserve all the bad shit that happened to them. Why? Cause they went looking for it. They asked for it. So there you go. You got what you wanted. Congratulations.
These people are just gonna eventually self-destruct and I hate to have to be the one to pick up the pieces so you know what, it's over. I don't need this kind of drama and shit cause I'm already stressed out enough as it is. So to these people who are currently in my life, you're cut off. You get a free pass. Get out of jail free card. Go find someone else to latch onto and go suck the life out of THEM too. I'm sure they'll appreciate it. Owh and I hate you. So so much. Thanks for nothing.
End of my long ass rant. I feel sooooo much better now.
Disclaimer: I may be pissed but I meant every word I said. So if you think its you I'm talking about, then do something about it. Or not. Makes life easier for me if you don't.
So just pretend that you never saw this post mkay.
Unless you're one of those overly nosy people who just have to know whats going on.
LAME! but whatever, its a free world.
So go ahead and read.
OK so here's the deal. I love the fact that I can drive and have a car to drive wherever the hell I want to. Its nice not having to depend on my parents to fetch me here and there and all that. But what I hate is being taken advantage of just because I can drive. So most of you probably know that my maid has been taking care of me and my brothers for like ever. All their lives and pretty much almost all of mine. So normally I don't mind driving her to go buy stuff since without them I'd starve to death. But......I freaking hate it when she asks me to go bring her to go buy 4D when I just came back from college. I've been in college since freaking 8 in the morning and I come home exhausted as shit and when I'm asleep, she comes in my room and wakes me up to take her to go buy 4D. I'm tired for freakin' sake! And its not like I can say no. Now everytime I come home from college in the afternoon, I'm pretty much doomed to taking her get her freaking 4D. Its getting ridiculous since she never wins and its just pissing me off. If I say that I can't, she'll go all,"I've taken care of you all these years and all I ask if that you bla bla bla bla." Seriously if this keeps up I'm gonna just tell my mom and let her deal with this. I can't take it much longer. All this is the reason why I rather stay in uni all day and hang out in the study room.
Also, I hate people who crave attention. People who can't stand the thought of having nobody noticing them, or those who can't have people not tell them that they're pretty and just pretty much need someone to compliment them. I HATE these people. People who change who they are just to fit in and do all kinds of stupid ,immature, idiotic things just so they feel accepted and just so they can feel like someone likes them or pays attention to them. To me thats just lame and screams DESPERATE. People who go out all the time and lie to their parents (its OK like once or twice because I do it too but all the time, really?) and does god knows what with god knows who and its just really dumb. Then tell go and tell you all their dumbass problems and just being around them sucks out all your energy. Being around them is just so exhausting. They're like parasites. You're good for them but they're pretty much useless to you and do nothing but hurt you. They're not the same people that I knew when I first met them. I don't even know you they really are anymore. I HATE this new person that they've become. Its disgusting. One day they'll regret it all and I will be sure to go to them and say, "I TOLD YOU SO SUCKERS!" They're ruined now. Damaged goods. They deserve all the bad shit that happened to them. Why? Cause they went looking for it. They asked for it. So there you go. You got what you wanted. Congratulations.
These people are just gonna eventually self-destruct and I hate to have to be the one to pick up the pieces so you know what, it's over. I don't need this kind of drama and shit cause I'm already stressed out enough as it is. So to these people who are currently in my life, you're cut off. You get a free pass. Get out of jail free card. Go find someone else to latch onto and go suck the life out of THEM too. I'm sure they'll appreciate it. Owh and I hate you. So so much. Thanks for nothing.
End of my long ass rant. I feel sooooo much better now.
Disclaimer: I may be pissed but I meant every word I said. So if you think its you I'm talking about, then do something about it. Or not. Makes life easier for me if you don't.
Monday, November 17, 2008
I just realised that in less than 24 hours,
I get to see Roger Federer in the flesh,
*cue screaming and jumping*
I can't wait!
Also, there is this Malaysia Fottball Tourney whatnot,
thats got players from Liver-fool, Manure and Arsenal,
plus an EPL Select team that is gonna come here and play,
and I wanna go!
at least can see some former Gunners,
who actually won something back in the day,
so tickets here I come!
Owh and I also found out that,
I have a presentation on my birthday,
*sniff sniff*
I don't want to present shit on my birthday!
so unfair......
I get to see Roger Federer in the flesh,
*cue screaming and jumping*
I can't wait!
Also, there is this Malaysia Fottball Tourney whatnot,
thats got players from Liver-fool, Manure and Arsenal,
plus an EPL Select team that is gonna come here and play,
and I wanna go!
at least can see some former Gunners,
who actually won something back in the day,
so tickets here I come!
Owh and I also found out that,
I have a presentation on my birthday,
*sniff sniff*
I don't want to present shit on my birthday!
so unfair......
Sunday, November 16, 2008
So Novak Djokovic won the season ending Masters Cup in Shanghai!
*throws confetti*
I is proud =)
*throws confetti*
I is proud =)
The only good thing to come out of today,
not a good day....

Novak Djokovic made it to the Masters Cup final! =)

My fav doubles team also made it to the final =)
Now what do these two pics have in common?
if you can't spot it, get your eyes checked.
In other sucky news,
Arsenal lost,
this time to Aston Villa,
at HOME,
i have a solution to all their problems,
play my darling Aaron Ramsey,
and cute little Jack Wilshere,
but noooooo,
they're just kids,
they play better than the first team.
Also went to FLY fm's fly-niversary,
was OK,
but was packed with tweens,
like ewww,
they were all jumping around like morons,
shuffling like spastic kids,
remember people,
shuffling is not a form of dance,
its a form of retardation,
only good thing was that I got to watch Estranged,
other than that,
total bust.
not a good day....

Novak Djokovic made it to the Masters Cup final! =)

My fav doubles team also made it to the final =)
Now what do these two pics have in common?
if you can't spot it, get your eyes checked.
In other sucky news,
Arsenal lost,
this time to Aston Villa,
at HOME,
i have a solution to all their problems,
play my darling Aaron Ramsey,
and cute little Jack Wilshere,
but noooooo,
they're just kids,
they play better than the first team.
Also went to FLY fm's fly-niversary,
was OK,
but was packed with tweens,
like ewww,
they were all jumping around like morons,
shuffling like spastic kids,
remember people,
shuffling is not a form of dance,
its a form of retardation,
only good thing was that I got to watch Estranged,
other than that,
total bust.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
so funneh
this is one of the most funniest videos I've seen,
like ever!
haha it's a bunch of stupid 11 (or 12, who cares!) year old kids's reaction to when David Archuleta lost AI,
I should feel bad for laughing at them,
but I don't.
"how can they vote for that guy!" "he doesn't even shave!"
haha! stupid tweens.
this is one of the most funniest videos I've seen,
like ever!
haha it's a bunch of stupid 11 (or 12, who cares!) year old kids's reaction to when David Archuleta lost AI,
I should feel bad for laughing at them,
but I don't.
"how can they vote for that guy!" "he doesn't even shave!"
haha! stupid tweens.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
bored = blogging
so right now i'm in college,
hanging around with my laptop,
just watching some shows.
so I watched Gossip Girl 1st,
very the nice,
Aaron is seriously cute,
even though he is not the way I imagined from reading the books,
his dad though is unbelievably hilarious,
freaks me out a bit.
and Chuck and Blair,
I heart them both,
they just need to get together already,
that is a must. LOL.
I hate Jenny,
always have,
always will.
then I watched Heroes,
or should I say Villians,
no seriously,
the title was Villians instead of Heroes,
good episode,
made me understand some stuff better,
but made everything else more twisted,
damn good show,
if you're not watching it,
you suck!
in more important news,
Novak Djokovic (who I love very the much) won his second round robin match yesterday 7-6 0-6 7-5. Yay!
also, Aaron Ramsey (who I too love) did not score last night for Arsenal (who beat Wigan 3-0) but he did great!
Wilshere very the cute,
I just wanna pinch his cheeks,
he is just so small. LOL.
actually all the youngsters damn talented,
its so ridiculous. Haha.
so now i'm going back to bonding with my laptop while waiting for class.
hanging around with my laptop,
just watching some shows.
so I watched Gossip Girl 1st,
very the nice,
Aaron is seriously cute,
even though he is not the way I imagined from reading the books,
his dad though is unbelievably hilarious,
freaks me out a bit.
and Chuck and Blair,
I heart them both,
they just need to get together already,
that is a must. LOL.
I hate Jenny,
always have,
always will.
then I watched Heroes,
or should I say Villians,
no seriously,
the title was Villians instead of Heroes,
good episode,
made me understand some stuff better,
but made everything else more twisted,
damn good show,
if you're not watching it,
you suck!
in more important news,
Novak Djokovic (who I love very the much) won his second round robin match yesterday 7-6 0-6 7-5. Yay!
also, Aaron Ramsey (who I too love) did not score last night for Arsenal (who beat Wigan 3-0) but he did great!
Wilshere very the cute,
I just wanna pinch his cheeks,
he is just so small. LOL.
actually all the youngsters damn talented,
its so ridiculous. Haha.
so now i'm going back to bonding with my laptop while waiting for class.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
i luffs eeet!
so I just watched the latest episode of Grey's Anatomy,
cried my bloody eyes out.
there was this old couple,
think they were like sweethearts or something,
she got a craniotomy but then she never woke up,
the guy couldn't let her go,
before the surgery she signed a DNR form,
so he kept perforning CPR on her so that her heart would keep beating,
then Bailey and Derek had to take over since it was so long,
damn sad you know.
Owh and Denny was there!
I heart Denny.
Izzie is seriously one strong person for having to go through all that.
Hahn is an idiot as usual.
I really hate her.
She's gonna report Izzie to UNOS cause her patient,
was the patient that was supposed to get Denny's heart,
before Izzie stole it.
She just needs to get laid. LOL.
Sloan tried to hit on Cristina,
damn funny,
new army doctor guy soooo likes Cristina,
but right now he is being an ass,
boo to that!
So if you haven't watched it yet, JUST DO IT! <--- Nike says =)
cried my bloody eyes out.
there was this old couple,
think they were like sweethearts or something,
she got a craniotomy but then she never woke up,
the guy couldn't let her go,
before the surgery she signed a DNR form,
so he kept perforning CPR on her so that her heart would keep beating,
then Bailey and Derek had to take over since it was so long,
damn sad you know.
Owh and Denny was there!
I heart Denny.
Izzie is seriously one strong person for having to go through all that.
Hahn is an idiot as usual.
I really hate her.
She's gonna report Izzie to UNOS cause her patient,
was the patient that was supposed to get Denny's heart,
before Izzie stole it.
She just needs to get laid. LOL.
Sloan tried to hit on Cristina,
damn funny,
new army doctor guy soooo likes Cristina,
but right now he is being an ass,
boo to that!
So if you haven't watched it yet, JUST DO IT! <--- Nike says =)
Sunday, November 9, 2008
no freakin' way!
So guess what!
My beloved Arsenal team proved me wrong.
They pwned Man Utd 2-1.
Thanks to Samir Nasri!

^ Showing the boy some luvvv! =)
In other news, Novak Djokovic won his Masters Cup round robin match today, 7-5 6-3. Yay!!
Also, Arsenal next play Wigan is the Carling Cup wednesday morning.
You know what that means?!
Aaron Ramsey gets to play! Woohoo! *claps*
To all Man U fans: cheer up! everybody loses!
Here's a virtual hug for ya'll. *hugs sad man u peeps*
there there. it'll all be alright. or not......later! =)
My beloved Arsenal team proved me wrong.
They pwned Man Utd 2-1.
Thanks to Samir Nasri!

^ Showing the boy some luvvv! =)
In other news, Novak Djokovic won his Masters Cup round robin match today, 7-5 6-3. Yay!!
Also, Arsenal next play Wigan is the Carling Cup wednesday morning.
You know what that means?!
Aaron Ramsey gets to play! Woohoo! *claps*
To all Man U fans: cheer up! everybody loses!
Here's a virtual hug for ya'll. *hugs sad man u peeps*
there there. it'll all be alright. or not......later! =)
Friday, November 7, 2008
attention to all my lovely blog readers!
Haha anyway so Arsenal play Man Utd this weekend and i'm pretty sure that Man U will win.
Since Arsenal is playing the quality of football that is equivalent to horse shitting when going down a cement road. (yea i'm not sure if that's a good analogy but who cares!)
Sooooooo if my some sort of miracle that Arsenal DO win (highly unlikely OK), I will do something..... (I don't know what to do!)
Think of something and suggest to me and I might actually do it. (No azri I will not buy you the white mercurial if they win!)
I love you all! =)
Haha anyway so Arsenal play Man Utd this weekend and i'm pretty sure that Man U will win.
Since Arsenal is playing the quality of football that is equivalent to horse shitting when going down a cement road. (yea i'm not sure if that's a good analogy but who cares!)
Sooooooo if my some sort of miracle that Arsenal DO win (highly unlikely OK), I will do something..... (I don't know what to do!)
Think of something and suggest to me and I might actually do it. (No azri I will not buy you the white mercurial if they win!)
I love you all! =)
Sunday, November 2, 2008
This totally made my day. Here's David Cook singing "Declaration" on SNL! I need to get his new CD damnit! November 18th needs to be here NOW!
EDIT: so the video got deleted from dailymotion. so i decided to take it down from here too. so so so so too bad for you people who didn't get to watch it. you suck! but i still love you! =)
EDIT: so the video got deleted from dailymotion. so i decided to take it down from here too. so so so so too bad for you people who didn't get to watch it. you suck! but i still love you! =)
So guess what!
Arsenal lost to another promoted team. This time it was Stoke City. Yay for Stoke. Before the beginning of the season, everyone predicted that Stoke would be like how Derby was last year and Derby was plain shit. They got 11 points out of 38 games I think it was. Thats just sad. But this year, that ain't gonna happen because for some reason Arsenal decided to pity all those sides that were promoted and go, "Hi! We are Arsenal Football Club. Would you like 3 free points?" Here you go guys. We just don't feel like winning the league this season. Just like last year. And the year before that. And the one before that. And bla bla bla. Wake the fuck up people! Arsenal does NOT lose to promoted teams. Are you shitting me! Geez! Get it together damnit! 3 losses in 11 games is unexceptable! We are better than this! Well......we should be anyway.
Yet after all this failure, I'm still loyal to them. You idiots are lucky I don't ditch you to go support Portsmouth because Tony Adams is now the manager and he got skills man. At least HE won trophies when he was at Arsenal. Take notice kids!
P.S. Chelsea rocks!
Arsenal lost to another promoted team. This time it was Stoke City. Yay for Stoke. Before the beginning of the season, everyone predicted that Stoke would be like how Derby was last year and Derby was plain shit. They got 11 points out of 38 games I think it was. Thats just sad. But this year, that ain't gonna happen because for some reason Arsenal decided to pity all those sides that were promoted and go, "Hi! We are Arsenal Football Club. Would you like 3 free points?" Here you go guys. We just don't feel like winning the league this season. Just like last year. And the year before that. And the one before that. And bla bla bla. Wake the fuck up people! Arsenal does NOT lose to promoted teams. Are you shitting me! Geez! Get it together damnit! 3 losses in 11 games is unexceptable! We are better than this! Well......we should be anyway.
Yet after all this failure, I'm still loyal to them. You idiots are lucky I don't ditch you to go support Portsmouth because Tony Adams is now the manager and he got skills man. At least HE won trophies when he was at Arsenal. Take notice kids!
P.S. Chelsea rocks!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
What do you do when you're bored? Here's a solution, do this shit. I've done it a few times already but the answers are always funny as hell!
You know the drill:
1. Put Your iTunes, Windows Media Player, ETC on Shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
Here goes nothing:
1.If someone says, "Is this okay?" You say?
Larger Than Life - Backstreet Boys (O-K.....)
2.How would you describe yourself?
Cure For The Itch - Linkin Park
3.What do you like in a guy?
Innocent - Our Lady Peace (more like the opposite......)
4.How do you feel today?
Just Lose It - Eminem (indeed.....)
5.What is your life's purpose?
25 Minutes - Michael Learns To Rock (huh?)
6.What is your motto?
I've Got You - McFly
7.What do your friends think of you?
Let It Be - Covered by Brooke White
8.What do you think of your parents?
Ride Wit Me - Nelly (um.....i don't think so......)
9.What do you think about very often?
Vertigo - U2
10.What is 2 + 2?
Over My Head (Cable Car) - The Fray
11.What do you think of your best friend?
Cancer - My Chemical Romance (strange.....her zodiac sign is cancer....)
12.What do you think of the person you like?
A Moment Like This - Covered by Leona Lewis (sappy alert!)
13.What is your life story?
You're A God - Vertical Horizon (i don't get it.....)
14.What do you want to be when you grow up?
Island - The Starting Line (yes i've always wanted to be an island......)
15.What do you think of when you see the person you like?
Lollipop - Mika (not in the kinky way, you dirty minded people!)
16.What will you dance to at your wedding?
No Air - Jordin Sparks feat. Chris Brown (no aaaiiirr......)
17.What will they play at your funeral?
Think of Me - Covered by David Archuleta (yes don't forget me at my own damn funeral!)
18.What is your hobby/interest?
Summer Love - Justin Timberlake
19.What is your biggest fear?
Too Serious Too Soon - Gareth Gates
20.What is your biggest secret?
My Hero - Covered by David Cook (he is my hero.....LOL!)
21.What do you think of your friends?
There You'll Be - Faith Hill
22. How you feel about your latest ex?
Only Fooling Myself - Kate Voegele
23. Your outlook on life?
Time After Time - Covered by Quietdrive
24. If you could tell me one thing, what would it be?
Must Get Out - Maroon 5
25. Your personal theme song?
Sway - Covered by The Pussycat Dolls (no comment.....haha)
so now TAG! YOU'RE IT! =)
You know the drill:
1. Put Your iTunes, Windows Media Player, ETC on Shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
Here goes nothing:
1.If someone says, "Is this okay?" You say?
Larger Than Life - Backstreet Boys (O-K.....)
2.How would you describe yourself?
Cure For The Itch - Linkin Park
3.What do you like in a guy?
Innocent - Our Lady Peace (more like the opposite......)
4.How do you feel today?
Just Lose It - Eminem (indeed.....)
5.What is your life's purpose?
25 Minutes - Michael Learns To Rock (huh?)
6.What is your motto?
I've Got You - McFly
7.What do your friends think of you?
Let It Be - Covered by Brooke White
8.What do you think of your parents?
Ride Wit Me - Nelly (um.....i don't think so......)
9.What do you think about very often?
Vertigo - U2
10.What is 2 + 2?
Over My Head (Cable Car) - The Fray
11.What do you think of your best friend?
Cancer - My Chemical Romance (strange.....her zodiac sign is cancer....)
12.What do you think of the person you like?
A Moment Like This - Covered by Leona Lewis (sappy alert!)
13.What is your life story?
You're A God - Vertical Horizon (i don't get it.....)
14.What do you want to be when you grow up?
Island - The Starting Line (yes i've always wanted to be an island......)
15.What do you think of when you see the person you like?
Lollipop - Mika (not in the kinky way, you dirty minded people!)
16.What will you dance to at your wedding?
No Air - Jordin Sparks feat. Chris Brown (no aaaiiirr......)
17.What will they play at your funeral?
Think of Me - Covered by David Archuleta (yes don't forget me at my own damn funeral!)
18.What is your hobby/interest?
Summer Love - Justin Timberlake
19.What is your biggest fear?
Too Serious Too Soon - Gareth Gates
20.What is your biggest secret?
My Hero - Covered by David Cook (he is my hero.....LOL!)
21.What do you think of your friends?
There You'll Be - Faith Hill
22. How you feel about your latest ex?
Only Fooling Myself - Kate Voegele
23. Your outlook on life?
Time After Time - Covered by Quietdrive
24. If you could tell me one thing, what would it be?
Must Get Out - Maroon 5
25. Your personal theme song?
Sway - Covered by The Pussycat Dolls (no comment.....haha)
so now TAG! YOU'RE IT! =)
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