Tuesday, March 17, 2009

idiocy runs riot!

I just watched Grey's,
Meredith and Cristina talking at the same time is hilarious! <-- as Izzie puts it
The part where Cristina goes, "What's wrong with you?"
Then Mer goes, "Derek won't get off the couch."
Then Cristina goes, "Ugh, so the weaker sex."
LOL! Love it.

Owh and also,
Derek is an asshole,
So you got your big gigantic ego bruised,
So what!
Deal with it!
I knew there was a reason I was never into him,
McSteamy all the way! WOO! =)

And a big fat YEAH! for gossip girl and OTH coming back this week.

Monday, March 9, 2009

too close for comfort

Best. McFly. Song. EVER!

Friday, March 6, 2009

this is reality

theres this line,
we never acknowledged it before,
because we were never near it,
but lately,
it feels like you wanna cross it,
you want to tes the waters,
see what happens if you do,
but i can't let you do that,
it could just be me being paranoid,
but things are different for the first time since the beginning,
i sense it,
i can feel the change,
you want to test this,
but i don't want you to,

its selfish really,
what we have now is great,
i can't lose that,
even for something that could be better,
i can't risk it,
i've got too much to lose,
i'm sorry,
let it go,
let this be,
leave it alone,
move on,