Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Fo shizz! Hah! Got my parents to let me go back to Kuching for a few days. Yea. So stoked. Need to get out of this place. Its kinda sufficating me. Need to go someplace quiet for a while. So I leave on Saturday and come back on Wednesday I think. Not confirmed.

Owh and Azri! I am taking home kit! I cannot seem to seperate from it. Its soooooo nice. So too bad! And as of today, I think away kit is nice. That might change tomorrow though. Bloody thing trying to get me to buy it! I can feel it!

So I probably won't be blogging from there since I'm too lazy to bring my laptop. Its only a few days right. I can totally survive. I hope. If not then I die. Owh well.

Lovesssssss. =)

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