I miss PM12. I miss it all.
Just came back from Redang like a few hours ago. Had the best time of my life. With the best bunch of people. Here are some highlights:
- Snorkeling. Went 5 times. All 5 times were so much fun. I think we found like way too many different looking sea cucumbers. And seeing Nemo! So cute!
- Seeing the blue sand that was freakin' hard to find. Like Samuel said, it was AMAZING!
- Playing Twister(or according to Chong Yi, its called Dirty Twister)in the boy's room. Chin Wei won the Battle of the Bitches. Haha. Don't know how that happened.
- Going dancing at the mini club a.k.a disco(thats what Pey June calls it). We did the Macarena. Damn funny. The guys all got moves wei. But the place very hot(panas).
- Sitting on the beach and 'gossiping' under the stars on Chin Wei's small sleeping bag drinking Nestum. Remember! Anything said that time stays there!
- The bus ride back to KL. Melvin constantly disturbing me with his 'what you want?' and 'wazzaaap' and him hitting on Chong Yi the whole way. Samuel's '
lei pen ah!'(I don't know how to spell that haha).
- Our gathering at the pool side when Hashim nearly broke the swings.
- Following Andrew up the rocks and doing nothing but just sit there for like an hour with all the candles.
- Beating Koo at pool. AGAIN! Haha.
- Samuel saying that the word
idiot is a pronoun used for when he doesn't know who the person is when we went snorkeling.
- Melvin's farewell speech! Very touching. But he never finished it. And him teaching Samuel how to play guitar. Damn hopeless la you pupu. Can play A11 only. Haha.
Really gonna miss you guys! To Suki, I can't believe you couldn't come to Redang. I missed you! To Tasha and Adiel, I'll probably see you guys when we go out to watch a movie. I hope.
To the rest, I really hope to see you all again!
Gonna miss Samuel and Melvin calling me a bitch even though they know I damn innocent. Haha. You guys can always make me laugh.
Gonna miss Chin Wei's laughter which is so infectious and all the times on the beach and snorkeling.
Gonna miss Wern Li calling me B. We still gonna open our psych office one day! Calling it B & B. Damn original right.
Gonna miss Pey June's random-ness like the poking and the waving in Pizza Hut.
Gonna miss Chia Yin's random thoughts and her obsession with Torte.
Gonna miss Mun Yee's smile. She always smiling.
Gonna miss Evan's sarcasm. That girl's got a sharp tougue. Haha.
Gonna miss Chong Yi's reaction when I say HI CHONG YI! and his big head. I swear he got 2 brains. For real!
Gonna miss Chong Kuan(CCK)'s lame jokes. He creates a whole new level of lame!
Gonna miss Wolf's loud voice and sometimes inappropriate thoughts(but they're funny thoughts).
Gonna miss Jun Horng's blunt-ness and ability to complicate a sentence by using polysyllabic words instead of simple english!
Gonna miss Paul's laid back-ness even though I don't see him often.
Gonna miss Koo's come backs. Always ready with an insult(but very funny ones).
Gonna miss talking to Hashim.
Gonna miss Jing Han's random questions.
Gonna miss Anusha's voice. You can always hear her when she's in the same room.
Even gonna miss Nikki even though I've only known her for 4 days. She's like a clone of Chin Chin except without the laugh and she makes more sense. Haha.
So I love you guys. Thanks for making Redang so much fun. One day we'll all get together again. Hugs from me. LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU! Here are some pics:

B & B! Haha. Wern Li!

We look smashing! Whose finger is that arh? Flipping people off like nobody's business! Ruining the photo!

Heh. More B poses.

Ice cream! Chin Chin's face damn funny.

PM 12! LOVE and HUGS! =)
Thats it. Got more photos but I lazy to post. So see you guys soon. If you read this then leave a comment or something ok. Muaxx!