December is THE best month EVER! its got chrissy, boxing day, my birthday, and holiday! (for some people), awesome huh.
Speaking of birthdays, many many birthdays happened this month already, there was mine, my cousin's, Samer's, Azri's sister Shaza's, Rianne's, and today is Ryan's and Wolf's birthday!
Plus more birthdays to come next week and the following week too, so December is one busy birthday month. =)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY RYAN!! -- See you soon! I know I keep saying that.......Its been years since I saw you. When I get out of this country I'll see you in Austin. Have an awesome day dude.
OK so I'm sure all of you know who Leona Lewis is, and that she won the reality show X Factor two years ago, I was actually in London to watch her win on tv, which was cool.
Anyway so this year, its time for the finale of the latest season, and one of the contestants is really.....uhh....unique? I'll let you decide for youselves. =)
I present to you......Eoghan Quigg!!
-- Sometimes by Britney Spears (it was Britney week haha)
-- Year 3000 by Busted
-- Imagine by John Lennon
Soooooo......what do you think? I think he's kinda retarded, but I can't seem to hate him, He's just too cute, haha. =)
So apparently I haven't blogged since Tuesday, tsk tsk, anyway so my presentation was good, nothing else to say really, and then Wednesday was the last day of classes, so now only finals left, also I finished my last assignment, phew!
Next, my daddy came back from Tehran on Thursday, and did what my brothers couldn't do, which is fix the wifi so now I have internet, awesome isnt it.
So I've been catching up on all the shows I've missed, like Heroes, Gossip Girl, House, and Grey's Anatomy.
Heroes was good, Seth Green and Breckin Meyer were guest stars, they're so funny, plus the eclipse happened, very strange that eclipse thing.
Gossip Girl was more like a filler, it was the Snowflake Ball (whatever haha), I think Serena and Dan still like each other, Nate and Vanessa kinda made me gag, them together bothers me a little, little J is a brat as usual, Chuck and Blair are the shiznit, they are so good together, best characters in GG, plus Nastia Liukin was a guest star, she's really pretty.
House was funny, as always, the cases were interesting, i really hate his team though, they're just not as witty and tough like the old one, they're like too easy to bully.
Grey's was awesome, as per usual, Dr. Dickson sucks though, I know she has that condition thing, but she's sooooo rude, I know she can't help it, she's just not able to feel compassion or whatever, the two sisters made me cry, and the woman who got her voice back was nice, she blogs too, but still, Izzie is just weird, talking to invisible Denny, I honestly don't even know why he's still there, hes dead! it was cute at first, now its just dumb, I mean she's having all that 'self-love', even though to her its the real thing, with a dead person to boot, I'll take psycho bimbo for $50!
Arsenal won this week, yay! almost lost to Wigan, Eboue had an awful game, serves him right, I felt sorry for him for like a second, then I realised he needs a swift kick in the ass, the fans and Wenger definitely gave him that, plus three points was more important at the time, hopes he becomes better though, Ramsey and Wilshere didn't play. =(
Also had a BBQ just now, for my mommy's collegue who's moving back to Aussie land, good food, yum!
Wow that was long, anyway that is all, I need to 'study' now. =)
here lies all my thoughts and ideas...or the ones i wanna tell you anyway
Here you will find some of the crap that goes around in my head...
If you don't like it then what the heck are you doing here in the first place??