So today's exam, Chem 5 was stupid. I bloody freaked out about the graph and why it looked so small and what the hell was I supposed to fill in the column things? Haih whatever! Its over now!
Suki showed me how to add videos to the blog post(yes, I didn't know how to do it before this) so now I can post The Soup that I was rambling about the other day. Its the one with AI and Dancing with the Stars. Its hilarious! Joel McHale can make me laugh so bad! Watch it losers!
This is MY now America! Funny right. If you didn't find that funny then its OK, not everyone has a sense of humor(I truly believe that 'humor' should be spelled without the 'u').
Guess thats it. Time to go watch tennis again. Love you all!
P.S. Spurs lost the series to the Lakers so none of you get anything from me. Sorry. Better luck next time!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Thats What You Get
Today was a tiring day. Thats weird to say cause I barely did anything exhausting today. Went to college to 'study' though that didn't really work out according to plan. Then went to lunch and played UNO at ECA center. Then straight back home. Slept for like 2 hours.
Apparently today was also the day my mom and little brother were supposed to go back to Kuching. I didn't know about his until yesterday night when they started packing. How very observant I've been these past few days. But today is also the day my other brother comes back from his class trip to Redang, though hes still not back yet.
So today I've been watching tennis again on tv but its kinda boring. Not very interesting today for some reason. Owh well theres always tomorrow.
I know this post is kinda sad but today was a very uneventful day. Apart from Tasha having her IMU interview today. Wonder how that went.
So that is all. Love you all!
P.S. Spurs NEED to win tomorrow. Doubt they will since its at the Staples Center but I will hope! Owh and good luck to all for the exams tomorrow! Knock 'em dead!
Apparently today was also the day my mom and little brother were supposed to go back to Kuching. I didn't know about his until yesterday night when they started packing. How very observant I've been these past few days. But today is also the day my other brother comes back from his class trip to Redang, though hes still not back yet.
So today I've been watching tennis again on tv but its kinda boring. Not very interesting today for some reason. Owh well theres always tomorrow.
I know this post is kinda sad but today was a very uneventful day. Apart from Tasha having her IMU interview today. Wonder how that went.
So that is all. Love you all!
P.S. Spurs NEED to win tomorrow. Doubt they will since its at the Staples Center but I will hope! Owh and good luck to all for the exams tomorrow! Knock 'em dead!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Dream Big
Ahh didn't today's exams just killed me. I'm totally screwed right now its not even funny. And I find a lot of things funny. Though the Mechanics paper wasn't so bad. Made some careless mistakes though. Sadly. But whatever its in the past now! BE gone A2!
Right so I just watched The Soup on youtube. Its the one about AI and how Tivo apparently cut the ending when they were gonna annouce the winner. I thought it was bloody hilarious! If that happened to me, I'd so throw something at the tv. Hah! Thank god I don't have Tivo and that Astro Max can extend the crap you're recording. But Joel McHale! I love you! My new favourite person....after Cookie. So made my day. Owh and 'chicks,man'! GAH! That was beyond funny. You people need to watch it. I laughed so hard its weird. He did make fun of my Cookie though but so made up for it in the end. Aww I only voted 4000 times for Archie.....but hey, at least now your dad won't talk to you. Haha! Gawd I need to calm down. I'm still laughing right now. Capt. Kangaroo! Cracks me up. OK I'm done rambling now.
Right so Im gonna stop there. You people already think I'm losing it. Im gonna go watch Novak Djokovic now. HOT! Love you all!
P.S. Spurs lost again and are now 3-1 down and on the verge of elimination. Mark my words if they turn this around and win the series, I will buy you all something nice! Maybe.....I don't know! I just want them to win!
Right so I just watched The Soup on youtube. Its the one about AI and how Tivo apparently cut the ending when they were gonna annouce the winner. I thought it was bloody hilarious! If that happened to me, I'd so throw something at the tv. Hah! Thank god I don't have Tivo and that Astro Max can extend the crap you're recording. But Joel McHale! I love you! My new favourite person....after Cookie. So made my day. Owh and 'chicks,man'! GAH! That was beyond funny. You people need to watch it. I laughed so hard its weird. He did make fun of my Cookie though but so made up for it in the end. Aww I only voted 4000 times for Archie.....but hey, at least now your dad won't talk to you. Haha! Gawd I need to calm down. I'm still laughing right now. Capt. Kangaroo! Cracks me up. OK I'm done rambling now.
Right so Im gonna stop there. You people already think I'm losing it. Im gonna go watch Novak Djokovic now. HOT! Love you all!
P.S. Spurs lost again and are now 3-1 down and on the verge of elimination. Mark my words if they turn this around and win the series, I will buy you all something nice! Maybe.....I don't know! I just want them to win!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Ugh I'm so hating on Kim Caldwell right. Not only does she get to go to dinner with my Cookie, she is also freakin' annoying. Always so happy! Maybe shes paid to be that way but whatever! Owh and shes blonde. I now that was random but I don't care. She has my Cookie! Give me back my Cookie woman! Geez! Anyway saw my boy/Cookie on tv again today.(Neil keeps telling me when my boy is on tv. I mean seriously! How does he even know all this?) So to the people reading and you don't know what I'm rambling on about up there, then don't worry. Its better if you don't know.
So 3rd day of Roland Garros. Damn Paris! Why must you rain and delay the action! I can't wait forever you know. I actually got other stuff to do. FIX IT! Please?
So today wa Bio prac paper. Wasn't that bad. All in all it was OK. Very tiring though. Tomorrow is the day I die. Chem 4 and Math 4. Now most people find Math 4 to be easier than Math 3, but I'm not one of those people. See theres a reason why I dropped Physics and hate Mechanics. So giving me a Mechanics paper to do is like pretty much suicide to me. Its almost impossible for me to understand what the hell is going on with that subject. But I gotta do my best anyway. Its all I can do now. When exams are over, I'm so gonna buy you all(PM12 people only OK!)lunch or something like that. Not too expensive though. I'm not made of money!
That is all. Good luck for tomorrow my loves! Love you all!
P.S. Still going through Cookie withdrawals since tomorrow is Wednesday. GASP! But I'm getting better I think. I'll get over it eventually I say.
So 3rd day of Roland Garros. Damn Paris! Why must you rain and delay the action! I can't wait forever you know. I actually got other stuff to do. FIX IT! Please?
So today wa Bio prac paper. Wasn't that bad. All in all it was OK. Very tiring though. Tomorrow is the day I die. Chem 4 and Math 4. Now most people find Math 4 to be easier than Math 3, but I'm not one of those people. See theres a reason why I dropped Physics and hate Mechanics. So giving me a Mechanics paper to do is like pretty much suicide to me. Its almost impossible for me to understand what the hell is going on with that subject. But I gotta do my best anyway. Its all I can do now. When exams are over, I'm so gonna buy you all(PM12 people only OK!)lunch or something like that. Not too expensive though. I'm not made of money!
That is all. Good luck for tomorrow my loves! Love you all!
P.S. Still going through Cookie withdrawals since tomorrow is Wednesday. GASP! But I'm getting better I think. I'll get over it eventually I say.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Let Go
Woke up at like 10 with the feeling that my head was going to(in the words of my cookie)'plode! Ugh! I feel slighly better now though so thats good.
So I completely forgot that my brother was going to Redang for his class trip tonight. Damn it! Now I'm one brother short. Heh. Hope he has fun on the trip. Right now hes freakin' out cause my parents aren't home yet and he thinks they might forget to send him to school later. Haha its kinda funny I must say. Can't wait till I get to go to Redang! Its one of the few things that are getting me through the exams right now!
So tomorrow the exams continue. Bio practical. Yay! I love practicals for some reason. Its fun. At times. Should be cool.
Owh Congrats to Hull City for earning promotion to the EPL after beating Bristol City in the Championship Play-Off finals on Sunday! Welcome! And also a super cheer to the San Antonio Spurs for beating the Lakers in Game 3 but we still gotta long way to go! Can't lose anymore if we gonna win! Still can't believe you guys let a 24 point lead slip in Game 1. Geez!
And apparently Roland Garros started yesterday. I completely forgot. So theres another thing to distract me. Huhu. Novak Djokovic!! AHHH! He won his 1st round match which was good! Sadly, Roddick is not playing this year! WHY??? One less eye candy for me to watch.(please! like you people don't watch the matches unless they feature hot guys! or girls. Whichever.) Plus Janko Tipserovic lost in the first round so make that two less eye candy.
Anyway think I'll stop here. Good luck to whoever is taking Bio tomorrow! Love you all!
P.S. Im going through Cookie withdrawals. It sucks. As Wednesday approaches, I feel sad. I so need help.
So I completely forgot that my brother was going to Redang for his class trip tonight. Damn it! Now I'm one brother short. Heh. Hope he has fun on the trip. Right now hes freakin' out cause my parents aren't home yet and he thinks they might forget to send him to school later. Haha its kinda funny I must say. Can't wait till I get to go to Redang! Its one of the few things that are getting me through the exams right now!
So tomorrow the exams continue. Bio practical. Yay! I love practicals for some reason. Its fun. At times. Should be cool.
Owh Congrats to Hull City for earning promotion to the EPL after beating Bristol City in the Championship Play-Off finals on Sunday! Welcome! And also a super cheer to the San Antonio Spurs for beating the Lakers in Game 3 but we still gotta long way to go! Can't lose anymore if we gonna win! Still can't believe you guys let a 24 point lead slip in Game 1. Geez!
And apparently Roland Garros started yesterday. I completely forgot. So theres another thing to distract me. Huhu. Novak Djokovic!! AHHH! He won his 1st round match which was good! Sadly, Roddick is not playing this year! WHY??? One less eye candy for me to watch.(please! like you people don't watch the matches unless they feature hot guys! or girls. Whichever.) Plus Janko Tipserovic lost in the first round so make that two less eye candy.
Anyway think I'll stop here. Good luck to whoever is taking Bio tomorrow! Love you all!
P.S. Im going through Cookie withdrawals. It sucks. As Wednesday approaches, I feel sad. I so need help.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
The Truth
So quick post cause I got a huge headache right now and I need sleep or something thats gonna make the pain stop.
Just finished watching F1. Was my favourite track. Monaco baby! The circuit just totally rocks i say. Sadly, my fav driver got 9th which sucks! I hate losing. Spent the entire day at home feeling like crap and completely lifeless. I really don't know where all my energy goes to these days. I wake up and I'm immediately tired within hours. Its kinda freakin' me out a bit.
Anyway thats it. Tomorrow is Monday. A day I loathe! Ugh!
P.S. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to bitch #2 Samuel Lee! (I'm #1 obviously! DUH!) Haha you rock!
Just finished watching F1. Was my favourite track. Monaco baby! The circuit just totally rocks i say. Sadly, my fav driver got 9th which sucks! I hate losing. Spent the entire day at home feeling like crap and completely lifeless. I really don't know where all my energy goes to these days. I wake up and I'm immediately tired within hours. Its kinda freakin' me out a bit.
Anyway thats it. Tomorrow is Monday. A day I loathe! Ugh!
P.S. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to bitch #2 Samuel Lee! (I'm #1 obviously! DUH!) Haha you rock!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
All Right Now
Today I basically didn't do anything productive, like most days. Woke up at about 10 I think then spent the rest of the morning stuck in my rom because people were fixing the broken tv outside my room and they were blocking the way to the stairs. Ugh they totally ruined my morning. Then spent most of the evening on the net and downloading stuff.
Watched Gossip Girl and Grey's Anatomy season finales and they were both awesome! Seriously a must watch. Owh and I watched CNN today because the AI finalists were on which was cool. Got to see my COOKIE! Haha! And he looks HOT! As always.
Apparently we were supposed to have dinner at my parents friend's house but as usual, they neglected to tell me this until a few hours before. We spent like 4 hours there and I just got back home and I'm just so exhausted. GAH! Its crazy. Im losing all my energy so quickly these days.
Well that is all. Love you all!
Watched Gossip Girl and Grey's Anatomy season finales and they were both awesome! Seriously a must watch. Owh and I watched CNN today because the AI finalists were on which was cool. Got to see my COOKIE! Haha! And he looks HOT! As always.
Apparently we were supposed to have dinner at my parents friend's house but as usual, they neglected to tell me this until a few hours before. We spent like 4 hours there and I just got back home and I'm just so exhausted. GAH! Its crazy. Im losing all my energy so quickly these days.
Well that is all. Love you all!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Still on a COOKIE high today cause, well, I got nothing better to do and Tasha kept singing "Dream Big" the whole day in college. Geez! So now I wished they had recorded a full version of that song so I don't have to keep listening to the short 2 minute version! Not saying that the short version is crap cause its not. Its awesome. I just want a longer version. I'd rather have the full version of that song than "Time Of My Life" cause its sappy. Its awesome too but kinda cheesy. I mean the freakin' lyrics are totally LAME! Theres one line that said something about magic rainbows? How my cookie can sing that with a straight face is a mystery to me. And they played the song this morning of which was so cool! It hasn't even been 24 hours since he won at the time and the song is already being played! How sweet! Plus the song is #1 on iTunes! Yay! Owh and today in the newspaper, my boy's picture is like all over the place! People everywhere must be as stoked as I am! Haha! I also don't get why people think its a 'shocker' that he won. Wasn't is obvious? Like DUH!
Anyway, I'm having trouble deciding wether or not I should download the season finale of Grey's Anatomy because when its downloading, it makes my laptop work as slow as a sloth. Seriously, I can't do anything on it until the downloads complete. Which sucks. So I need to decide on that.
I got nothing else to say really. So thats it. Love you all!
P.S. I really want a Ford Hybrid like the ones the two Davids got in the finale. That was awesome! Let me know if any of you are willing to get me one! Haha!(hey a girl can wish right)
Anyway, I'm having trouble deciding wether or not I should download the season finale of Grey's Anatomy because when its downloading, it makes my laptop work as slow as a sloth. Seriously, I can't do anything on it until the downloads complete. Which sucks. So I need to decide on that.
I got nothing else to say really. So thats it. Love you all!
P.S. I really want a Ford Hybrid like the ones the two Davids got in the finale. That was awesome! Let me know if any of you are willing to get me one! Haha!(hey a girl can wish right)
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Time Of My Life

Also congrats to Man Utd for winning the Champions League! You guys deserved it I felt though when you all have to play in the Club World Cup thing next year, I will so not feel sorry for you! Still congratulations!
So today was the first day of exams for me and man am I exhausted! Gawd exams are tiring. That is all. Love you all!
DAVID COOK WILL ONE DAY TAKE OVER THE WORLD! Mark my words people! Plus hes like so totally SMOKIN'!
P.S. Sorry the pic is kinda small. Its got all my favs in it so who cares!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Fall Back Into Me
AHHH! Just watched the AI finals! So now I'm all high and stuff. DAVID COOK roxxx! To all Archie fans out there, stay away from my blog and go back to watching Disney or whatever you 12 year olds watch.
DC sang "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" by U2 and it was great! 2nd song was the "coronation" song entitled "Dream Big". That was totally sweet because it wasn't all sappy and all 'this is my destiny and I love being here' crap that the original song is always about. 3rd song was "The World I Know" by Collective Soul and I loved the original so to hear my cookie sing it was awesome-ness! And when he cried at the end, gawd I wanted to hug him through the tv but alas that was not possible. Darn it! Win or lose he still rox my socks! Haha!
I don't give a crap about what Archie sang. His "coronation" song was sappy. The song title was "In This Moment" which just screams out LAME! He can go jump off a cliff or something.
Tomorrow is my first A2 finals paper. Biology 4. Guess I gotta study now so later! Love you all!
DAVID COOK I LOVE YOU! (NEIL! I am soooo NOT obsessed! You're just jealous cause I don't pay attention to your crap anymore! Thats what you get for being 8000 miles away!)
DC sang "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" by U2 and it was great! 2nd song was the "coronation" song entitled "Dream Big". That was totally sweet because it wasn't all sappy and all 'this is my destiny and I love being here' crap that the original song is always about. 3rd song was "The World I Know" by Collective Soul and I loved the original so to hear my cookie sing it was awesome-ness! And when he cried at the end, gawd I wanted to hug him through the tv but alas that was not possible. Darn it! Win or lose he still rox my socks! Haha!
I don't give a crap about what Archie sang. His "coronation" song was sappy. The song title was "In This Moment" which just screams out LAME! He can go jump off a cliff or something.
Tomorrow is my first A2 finals paper. Biology 4. Guess I gotta study now so later! Love you all!
DAVID COOK I LOVE YOU! (NEIL! I am soooo NOT obsessed! You're just jealous cause I don't pay attention to your crap anymore! Thats what you get for being 8000 miles away!)
Monday, May 19, 2008
What About Now
I completely woke up thinking that today was Sunday. But its not cause yesterday was Sunday, which makes today Monday. Today is Wesak Day so public holiday it is! I have done nothing for the past 4 hours that I have been awake. Now I'm just waiting for my parents to come back home and hopefully they brought back food because I'm sooooo hungry!
Last night when I was watching Grey's Anatomy, the bloody sound got cut off for the last few minutes and I had to try to figure out what they were saying by reading their lips, and it didn't go very well I must say. Apparently, it happened to a lot of other people too so whatever!
Well guess thats it. Love you all!
Last night when I was watching Grey's Anatomy, the bloody sound got cut off for the last few minutes and I had to try to figure out what they were saying by reading their lips, and it didn't go very well I must say. Apparently, it happened to a lot of other people too so whatever!
Well guess thats it. Love you all!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
It's Only Life
So its been a pretty dull weekend. Nothing much happened and I spent most of it being bored and watching TV. Just finished watching One Tree Hill and I have to say I wanna smack Lucas in the face. You IDIOT! How can you hate Peyton? Its not her fault you wrote a freakin book about her without even realising it and that your fiance just happened to realise it on your wedding day and leaves you. Its not Peyton's fault! Plus I hate Lindsay anyway. Her character is like really boring. W ell thats enough ranting I think. Stil waiting for my Grey's Anatomy to finishing downloading. Freakin slow!
Owh congrats to Portsmouth for winning the FA Cup! They rock but the match was really really bad. Total snooze fest. Probably because they didn't show Nico Kranjcar(i think thats how you spell it)since he is oh so fine! Haha!
I'll probabaly write more later when I'm bored again. Later! Love you all!
Owh congrats to Portsmouth for winning the FA Cup! They rock but the match was really really bad. Total snooze fest. Probably because they didn't show Nico Kranjcar(i think thats how you spell it)since he is oh so fine! Haha!
I'll probabaly write more later when I'm bored again. Later! Love you all!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Tainted Love
I think there are people who want me to fail. Why would I think that you ask? There is a bloody AI season marathon on Star World! Everyone knows im(slightly)addicted to that show! I can't help it if watching people who audition and fail and then cry and freak out makes me laugh(plus theres some eye candy on that show I tell you). So instead of studying, I've been watching that and cartoons too. Gotta watch cartoons on the weekends.
Right now I'm just lazying around in my room doing this and surfing the net for fun. Nothing much going on today I must say.
Waiting for FA Cup finals to start later so I can at least watch some football again! Hoping Portsmouth wins but I wouldn't mind if Cardiff wins too. Love it when the underdog takes it.
Thats it. Love you all!
Right now I'm just lazying around in my room doing this and surfing the net for fun. Nothing much going on today I must say.
Waiting for FA Cup finals to start later so I can at least watch some football again! Hoping Portsmouth wins but I wouldn't mind if Cardiff wins too. Love it when the underdog takes it.
Thats it. Love you all!
Friday, May 16, 2008
I like having good days. I like having no worries. I like not having to fix other people's problems. So when none of these things are happening, I get very annoyed and slightly pissed. So if there is something wrong in your life and you want to tell me but you're not going to because you want me to ask you whats wrong just so you'll have an excuse to tell me, don't bother cause I won't ask. Think about it. Why would I honestly want to know whats wrong with you and end up ruining my good day by having to help you fix your damn problems instead when these problems could have all been avoided in the first place. I don't know how to deal with people who like to create problems for themselves. People who like their lives to be full of drama and stuff. Its so stupid really.
This is just me ranting cause I'm peeved. It doesn't have to do with anyone in particular OK!
So today was another day spent in college 'studying'. I did actually do quite a lot of studying today. Of course there was some time for fun and some gossip!(who doesnt love gossip right)
Wern Li, Chin Wei, Chong Yi, Chia Yin, Mun Yee, Chong Kuan and Jun Horng were all there to make me laugh and poke some fun at Chong Yi in the library. I tell you that boy's face turns 50 shades of red when he's blushing. Haha. Seriously this bunch of people are freakin' hilarious. Thanks for the laughs guys!
That is all. Owh and to Neil, if you would please just get your lazy ass online sometime in the near future, that would be great. Love you all!
This is just me ranting cause I'm peeved. It doesn't have to do with anyone in particular OK!
So today was another day spent in college 'studying'. I did actually do quite a lot of studying today. Of course there was some time for fun and some gossip!(who doesnt love gossip right)
Wern Li, Chin Wei, Chong Yi, Chia Yin, Mun Yee, Chong Kuan and Jun Horng were all there to make me laugh and poke some fun at Chong Yi in the library. I tell you that boy's face turns 50 shades of red when he's blushing. Haha. Seriously this bunch of people are freakin' hilarious. Thanks for the laughs guys!
That is all. Owh and to Neil, if you would please just get your lazy ass online sometime in the near future, that would be great. Love you all!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Straight Ahead
Today the post will be damn short cause I have to stop procrastinating and go study.
So today was a very quiet day cause I didn't win anything! I lost in Scrabble to Tasha and Suki then lost when playing UNO(which I totally dominated yesterday!)several times though everytime Jun Horng won, I won also since we team up against all you other people! Anyway thats it. Told you my day was uneventful.
Owh and my rocker boy in AI finale! YAY! You going down Archie! Love you all!
So today was a very quiet day cause I didn't win anything! I lost in Scrabble to Tasha and Suki then lost when playing UNO(which I totally dominated yesterday!)several times though everytime Jun Horng won, I won also since we team up against all you other people! Anyway thats it. Told you my day was uneventful.
Owh and my rocker boy in AI finale! YAY! You going down Archie! Love you all!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Love Has Gone
Owh damn almost forgot to post this.
Well everybody please bow down to THE queen of UNO!(the card game)I won three! times in a row today thanks to my lovely classmates Wern Li and Evan. Love you and I'll remember to mention you guys when I'm famous one day. I was playing with Suki, Jun Horng, Chong Kuan, Evan and Wern Li but then Evan stopped after two games and they all got together to sabotage me and make sure I don't win but who's laughing now! 5 times you all tried to screw me and 5 times the first card I picked was the colour you all wanted. Haha. Don't mess with me at UNO! Then Wern Li put down 3 skip cards with the colour of my last card on top and asked "whos turn now?" haha! It was MY turn! Wern Li never count properly. She thought it was gonna be Suki's turn but NO! It was MINE! And that is how I won!
Thanks for reading my self-gloat thing. Love you all!
Well everybody please bow down to THE queen of UNO!(the card game)I won three! times in a row today thanks to my lovely classmates Wern Li and Evan. Love you and I'll remember to mention you guys when I'm famous one day. I was playing with Suki, Jun Horng, Chong Kuan, Evan and Wern Li but then Evan stopped after two games and they all got together to sabotage me and make sure I don't win but who's laughing now! 5 times you all tried to screw me and 5 times the first card I picked was the colour you all wanted. Haha. Don't mess with me at UNO! Then Wern Li put down 3 skip cards with the colour of my last card on top and asked "whos turn now?" haha! It was MY turn! Wern Li never count properly. She thought it was gonna be Suki's turn but NO! It was MINE! And that is how I won!
Thanks for reading my self-gloat thing. Love you all!
Don't Say A Word
Ok so this post is all about AI!(American Idol) Why? Because I am procrastinating and I like watching the freakin' show! It's fun i tell you. So if you don't wanna know then no need to read this post at all. Thank you! Owh and if you haven't watched and don't wanna know what happened then don't read from now on either.
Tonight they all get to sing three songs which is pretty cool! HAHA! The Mayor at Archie's hometown has a bloody hilarious moustache! Damn funny.
David(I'm short and still not legal)Archuleta sang "And So It Goes" by Billy Joel, "With You" by Chris Brown and "Longer" by Dan Fogelberg. If you've heard the guy sing a song sappy icky ballad then you pretty much know how the first and last song went. Though its still not as good as previous weeks I feel. Now the Chris Brown song, I think he picked it so it will appeal to his fan base consisting of underage and deranged fan girls who are like 12!(no offence to any fans out there, this is just my opinion. Later you will see who my favourite is!) The performance was OK I say. Hes just not meant to sing fast songs. Poor kid. Had to torture himself just to get votes.
Syesha sang "If I Ain't Got You" by Alicia Keys, "Fever" by(I don't know. Its some broadway song I think)and "Hit Me Up" by Gia Farrell(its that annoying song from Happy Feet). As usual every season, somebody just has to sing the Alicia Keys song. WHY? She did good though. Not brilliant. Just good. The broadway song was kinda weird I felt. So not one of her best. The last song was also weird. Why would they even pick that song for her to sing? Totally weird.
David(so love this guy!)Cook sang "First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" by Roberta Flack, "Dare You To Move" by Switchfoot and "I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing" by Aerosmith. I thought the first song was soooo good! I mean the song itself is like fantastic! Nearly cried I must say. And he wished his mummy Happy Belated Mother's Day too!(I know I'm totally biased but whatever!) The Switchfoot song was pretty good but not his best though. Still good. The last song! Love that song and he did a different arrangement with like violins and stuff so it was AWESOME! Totally rocked.
Thats it people! Owh and one more thing, Randy Jackson is a douche! Hes probably smoking whatever Jason was smoking all through the show. Stop pimpin' Archuleta damn it dude! He can't sing fast songs! Completely ruined the Chris Brown song for me! Best line from the show was Simon saying "First round to Cook and Cowell." Simon is so full of himself but at least he knows good music when he hears it! Love you all!
Tonight they all get to sing three songs which is pretty cool! HAHA! The Mayor at Archie's hometown has a bloody hilarious moustache! Damn funny.
David(I'm short and still not legal)Archuleta sang "And So It Goes" by Billy Joel, "With You" by Chris Brown and "Longer" by Dan Fogelberg. If you've heard the guy sing a song sappy icky ballad then you pretty much know how the first and last song went. Though its still not as good as previous weeks I feel. Now the Chris Brown song, I think he picked it so it will appeal to his fan base consisting of underage and deranged fan girls who are like 12!(no offence to any fans out there, this is just my opinion. Later you will see who my favourite is!) The performance was OK I say. Hes just not meant to sing fast songs. Poor kid. Had to torture himself just to get votes.
Syesha sang "If I Ain't Got You" by Alicia Keys, "Fever" by(I don't know. Its some broadway song I think)and "Hit Me Up" by Gia Farrell(its that annoying song from Happy Feet). As usual every season, somebody just has to sing the Alicia Keys song. WHY? She did good though. Not brilliant. Just good. The broadway song was kinda weird I felt. So not one of her best. The last song was also weird. Why would they even pick that song for her to sing? Totally weird.
David(so love this guy!)Cook sang "First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" by Roberta Flack, "Dare You To Move" by Switchfoot and "I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing" by Aerosmith. I thought the first song was soooo good! I mean the song itself is like fantastic! Nearly cried I must say. And he wished his mummy Happy Belated Mother's Day too!(I know I'm totally biased but whatever!) The Switchfoot song was pretty good but not his best though. Still good. The last song! Love that song and he did a different arrangement with like violins and stuff so it was AWESOME! Totally rocked.
Thats it people! Owh and one more thing, Randy Jackson is a douche! Hes probably smoking whatever Jason was smoking all through the show. Stop pimpin' Archuleta damn it dude! He can't sing fast songs! Completely ruined the Chris Brown song for me! Best line from the show was Simon saying "First round to Cook and Cowell." Simon is so full of himself but at least he knows good music when he hears it! Love you all!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Same Direction
So today I've discovered several ways to get rid of high fever. Now these may not be 100% successful but I'm gonna tell you anyway.
Listening to your ipod does NOT help. Everytime I listen to my ipod, I feel like crap afterwards. Switching off your air-con and sweating does help. Well its working right now since my fever has now decreased and my head doesn't feel like its gonna explode anymore which means I can go to college tomorrow!(hopefully)
Studying at home sucks because the tv and computer always seem to convince me not to study. I have no self control I tell you. Instead of studying right now, I'm doing this and watching Gossip Girl and One Tree Hill and Brothers and Sisters. Damn I need to stop. Good thing is next week is the season finale so after that they'll be no more distractions! Though I'm gonna be sad cause than I'd have no Grey's Anatomy to watch or all the other shows for that matter.
Time for me to sleep now i think. Owh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY ADIEL! Sorry didn't wish you earlier.
Owh and Georgina Sparks(from Gossip Girl)is a bitch!! GAH! hate her! Love you all!
Listening to your ipod does NOT help. Everytime I listen to my ipod, I feel like crap afterwards. Switching off your air-con and sweating does help. Well its working right now since my fever has now decreased and my head doesn't feel like its gonna explode anymore which means I can go to college tomorrow!(hopefully)
Studying at home sucks because the tv and computer always seem to convince me not to study. I have no self control I tell you. Instead of studying right now, I'm doing this and watching Gossip Girl and One Tree Hill and Brothers and Sisters. Damn I need to stop. Good thing is next week is the season finale so after that they'll be no more distractions! Though I'm gonna be sad cause than I'd have no Grey's Anatomy to watch or all the other shows for that matter.
Time for me to sleep now i think. Owh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY ADIEL! Sorry didn't wish you earlier.
Owh and Georgina Sparks(from Gossip Girl)is a bitch!! GAH! hate her! Love you all!
Monday, May 12, 2008
I currently have high fever. As I sit here in front of my laptop typing this, my body teperature is 39.o degrees Celsius. Cool right. So as of right now, I'm not sure if I'll be able to go to college tomorrow. I'm tired as hell and my head feels like its gonna explode. Maybe thats a sign that I need some sleep.
Anyway so today wasn't a very eventful day. Starts by having a drink at Asia(think thats when the fever started)then went to the library to study. Went to KFC for lunch though I only ate mashed potatoes and coleslaw. Why? Cause being sick means I lose my apetite! GAH!
Before fetching my brothers from school, went to Parade with Azri in an attempt to clear my sore throat since it was bothering me so much. Solution: Baskin Robbins ice cream! Woo! Apparently Azri has never tried the Peanut Butter and Chocolate flavour which was awesome i say! The things that poor boy never tried. I mean that with all the love in the world by the way.
So yesterday I was unfortunately bored so Tasha kept taking these quizzes that told you random things about yourself. I decided to take a few so here is what I found out:
- I am 64% bitchy
- I am 28% emo
- I am 24% nerdy
- I am 52% vain
- I am totally sarcastic
- I am somewhat mature
- There is a 51% chance that I need therapy
- My life is 61% perfect
- My last words will be " I can pass this guy."
- If I were a character on Sesame Street, I'd be Cookie Monster(hah! ironic no?)
- If I were a crayon, I'd be a yellow one
- If I were a cereal, I'd be Fruit Loops
- I should never date a guy whose sign is Cancer
- My true love is a guy whose sign is Libra
- My life is worth $ 1 151 500
- My mind is rated PG-13
- I should rule the planet Mars
- I have a rare personality(only 5% of people have it)
That is all. Love you all for reading! For some reason the song Take Me Out To The Ballgame is stuck in my head(you don't wanna know why). Later haters(that was lame I know).
Anyway so today wasn't a very eventful day. Starts by having a drink at Asia(think thats when the fever started)then went to the library to study. Went to KFC for lunch though I only ate mashed potatoes and coleslaw. Why? Cause being sick means I lose my apetite! GAH!
Before fetching my brothers from school, went to Parade with Azri in an attempt to clear my sore throat since it was bothering me so much. Solution: Baskin Robbins ice cream! Woo! Apparently Azri has never tried the Peanut Butter and Chocolate flavour which was awesome i say! The things that poor boy never tried. I mean that with all the love in the world by the way.
So yesterday I was unfortunately bored so Tasha kept taking these quizzes that told you random things about yourself. I decided to take a few so here is what I found out:
- I am 64% bitchy
- I am 28% emo
- I am 24% nerdy
- I am 52% vain
- I am totally sarcastic
- I am somewhat mature
- There is a 51% chance that I need therapy
- My life is 61% perfect
- My last words will be " I can pass this guy."
- If I were a character on Sesame Street, I'd be Cookie Monster(hah! ironic no?)
- If I were a crayon, I'd be a yellow one
- If I were a cereal, I'd be Fruit Loops
- I should never date a guy whose sign is Cancer
- My true love is a guy whose sign is Libra
- My life is worth $ 1 151 500
- My mind is rated PG-13
- I should rule the planet Mars
- I have a rare personality(only 5% of people have it)
That is all. Love you all for reading! For some reason the song Take Me Out To The Ballgame is stuck in my head(you don't wanna know why). Later haters(that was lame I know).
Hoho so football is over! Congrats to Manchester United for winning the title! Sorry and best of luck to Reading, Birmingham and Derby for being relegated to the Championship! Also welcome to the EPL for West Brom and Stoke!
I now have to find a new hobby until the new season starts in August. Bright side is in June got Euro 2008! YAY!
Well that was all I wanted to say. Love you all!
I now have to find a new hobby until the new season starts in August. Bright side is in June got Euro 2008! YAY!
Well that was all I wanted to say. Love you all!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
The World I Know
HAH! This time the post does not have an S title. It doesn't even have an S in it! Plus its more than one word this time. Cool right.
Anyway just finished watching F1. Just love fast cars. Makes you feel like you're watching the world past you by instead of actually having to live it. Sadly my favourite driver did not win. He got 3rd. His team-mate won. Which is fine. Ugh whatever!
Now I'm just waiting for football to start. AAAHHHH! No more football! This sucks! Owh I was bored just now before F1 so I ended up watching the Championship playoffs with my brothers to see which team gets to fight for the last promotion spot into the EPL. What a way to waste time right.
Today was also the last match for my brother's football league thing that he joined and his team got 2nd! Yay! My mom is all happy cause they were 4th before they played today but I was like he didn't get 1st(yes, to me its always 1st or nothing!). But everybody seems happy so I guess I'm happy too.
Owh well guess that is it then. Time for me to enjoy the last EPL match of the season! GAH! Another thing coming to an end! Its like some kind of chain reaction or whatever. Love you all!
Anyway just finished watching F1. Just love fast cars. Makes you feel like you're watching the world past you by instead of actually having to live it. Sadly my favourite driver did not win. He got 3rd. His team-mate won. Which is fine. Ugh whatever!
Now I'm just waiting for football to start. AAAHHHH! No more football! This sucks! Owh I was bored just now before F1 so I ended up watching the Championship playoffs with my brothers to see which team gets to fight for the last promotion spot into the EPL. What a way to waste time right.
Today was also the last match for my brother's football league thing that he joined and his team got 2nd! Yay! My mom is all happy cause they were 4th before they played today but I was like he didn't get 1st(yes, to me its always 1st or nothing!). But everybody seems happy so I guess I'm happy too.
Owh well guess that is it then. Time for me to enjoy the last EPL match of the season! GAH! Another thing coming to an end! Its like some kind of chain reaction or whatever. Love you all!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Ooo another day another update. Just wanna warn you people not to expect me to update this everyday. Now I just do it cause I got nothing better to do.
So there is absolutely no football for me to watch today. Instead I have to wait until tomorrow. I swear I'm a football addict. Since its all ending, I actually have to find other stuff to do on the weekends. Damn it! Luckily, F1 is also this weekend and I just finished watching the qualifying for tomorrow's race and sadly my favourite driver(Kimi Raikkonen!)in the entire universe(yes, i think he's that cool)is not on pole position. His team-mate is. Now I think thats fine. Totally fine. It sucks but its fine. Ugh I hate it when something I support is not number 1. I can be a sore loser sometimes.
Also I've been watching NBA(go SPURS!)and sometimes MLB(YANKS!)in the mornings. Why? Because I like watching sports. Makes me happy for some reason. Makes me feel like nothing else matters and all thats important is who wins in the end. The real world just doesn't exist. Thats how I feel anyway.
These days I've been exceptionally emo. I think its because classes ended but all things come to an end eventually so I gotta accept that. Doesn't make me feel any better though. Been listening to emo and depressing music for days now. Good music but still sad. Crap I hate this feeling. I do feel happy sometimes. Then it hits me again and I go back to being all sad. Maybe I should go watch cartoons or watch something light and happy like Sesame Street or Dr. Suess. Damn I loved watching them when I was a kid. Still do(now you all know! aaaaa!).
Think I'm gonna stop here. My mind is drawing a blank at the moment. Love you all!
So there is absolutely no football for me to watch today. Instead I have to wait until tomorrow. I swear I'm a football addict. Since its all ending, I actually have to find other stuff to do on the weekends. Damn it! Luckily, F1 is also this weekend and I just finished watching the qualifying for tomorrow's race and sadly my favourite driver(Kimi Raikkonen!)in the entire universe(yes, i think he's that cool)is not on pole position. His team-mate is. Now I think thats fine. Totally fine. It sucks but its fine. Ugh I hate it when something I support is not number 1. I can be a sore loser sometimes.
Also I've been watching NBA(go SPURS!)and sometimes MLB(YANKS!)in the mornings. Why? Because I like watching sports. Makes me happy for some reason. Makes me feel like nothing else matters and all thats important is who wins in the end. The real world just doesn't exist. Thats how I feel anyway.
These days I've been exceptionally emo. I think its because classes ended but all things come to an end eventually so I gotta accept that. Doesn't make me feel any better though. Been listening to emo and depressing music for days now. Good music but still sad. Crap I hate this feeling. I do feel happy sometimes. Then it hits me again and I go back to being all sad. Maybe I should go watch cartoons or watch something light and happy like Sesame Street or Dr. Suess. Damn I loved watching them when I was a kid. Still do(now you all know! aaaaa!).
Think I'm gonna stop here. My mind is drawing a blank at the moment. Love you all!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Today was THE last day of classes. No more classes. No more going to room 3. something. No more climbing several flights of stairs. Just no more. Its all over. GAH! damn this sucks.
So just wanna say to all you PM12 people who accidentally(or purposely)stumble upon this blog post, know that I'll miss you guys soooooo much! I love you all and I wish you people the best in whatever you end up doing. Now I gotta find new people to give chocolates to. I feel so emo now. Crap.
Owh so today me, tasha, adiel and koo went to the Curve to watch Melvin's band perform and it was good. Very nice. Melvin was so awesome on bass i say.
Last thing, to the idiots who stole my brother's phone and his pants, here's a message for you : GO BURN IN HELL! THE PHONE IS BUSTED! THE PANTS ARE RIPPED! now what was the point of stealing them huh? TWITS!
Ok so thats it i guess. Love you all for reading! Now you can go back to doing whatever it was you were doing before you were distracted by my blog!
So just wanna say to all you PM12 people who accidentally(or purposely)stumble upon this blog post, know that I'll miss you guys soooooo much! I love you all and I wish you people the best in whatever you end up doing. Now I gotta find new people to give chocolates to. I feel so emo now. Crap.
Owh so today me, tasha, adiel and koo went to the Curve to watch Melvin's band perform and it was good. Very nice. Melvin was so awesome on bass i say.
Last thing, to the idiots who stole my brother's phone and his pants, here's a message for you : GO BURN IN HELL! THE PHONE IS BUSTED! THE PANTS ARE RIPPED! now what was the point of stealing them huh? TWITS!
Ok so thats it i guess. Love you all for reading! Now you can go back to doing whatever it was you were doing before you were distracted by my blog!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Ok so AI just finished and even though I usually already know who gets booted out before the result show starts(because Malaysia is like slow at these things sometimes), I still watch it anyway. The boy with the locks(i don't care what his name is anymore)is finally sent packing which means I can now actually watch the entire show without having to switch channels when he performs so yay!
Gah! Tomorrow is the last day of classes! Damn that was fast. I'm always completely oblivious when it comes to time so I never realise when something is coming to an end until it is actually right about to end.......
Anyway I got nothing else to share with whoever is sadly reading my(awesome!)blog. Love you all!
Gah! Tomorrow is the last day of classes! Damn that was fast. I'm always completely oblivious when it comes to time so I never realise when something is coming to an end until it is actually right about to end.......
Anyway I got nothing else to share with whoever is sadly reading my(awesome!)blog. Love you all!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
So i just finished watching AI and I have to say damn that teeny tiny boy(David Archuleta)was awesome. I can't believe I just said that. Though MY(yes tasha,hes mine)rocker boy(David Cook)was awesome too, he just wasn't as good. He was hotter though by like a milion times! The one with the locks(Jason Castro)can go drown himself. Unfortunately I didn't care much for the only remaining girl(Syesha Mercado)even though she was pretty good i say.
Anyway the reason this blog even exists is due to a stupid promise I made today. Damn i hate blogging. But a promise is a promise so whatever!
Love you all for reading! I have managed to waste about 3 minutes of your life and you'll never get it back suckers!
Anyway the reason this blog even exists is due to a stupid promise I made today. Damn i hate blogging. But a promise is a promise so whatever!
Love you all for reading! I have managed to waste about 3 minutes of your life and you'll never get it back suckers!
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